Justin Wilcox
I’m the founder of successful companies in the healthcare and mobile spaces. The companies weren’t always successful. In fact, my healthcare company started as a failure. I wasted 18 months, and $50k building software…that no one wanted. It wasn’t until I started practicing Customer Development and Lean Startup that things started to change. Once I started focusing on my customer’s problems, and validating my assumptions…I found my startup success. Now I work with startups and communities around the world teaching them how to practice Lean Startup principles.


You’ve been told to validate your assumptions, but how do you do that?

  • How do you find customers to interview?
  • How do you ask enterprises if they’ll pay for your product?
  • How do you find the right price?
  • How do you determine the right features?

This blog is about how to implement Lean Startup – based real on experiences.

My Books

A series of action-oriented Lean Startup workbooks that describe exactly

  • What to test
  • When to test and
  • How to test it

More at the FOCUS Framework.

Communities & Companies

  • I’ve had the privilege of working with some of the greatest communities and companies around the world.
  • I’m a global mentor for Startup Weekend, Startup NEXT, Founder Institute, and Lean Startup Machine.
  • I’m a regular speaker at the Lean Startup Conference.
  • I work with Fortune 500 companies including Google, Microsoft, Intel and HP.
  • I’ve circled the globe several times over again teaching founders from Silicon Valley to Serbia to Singapore how to apply Lean Startup.

Workshops Around the World

My favorite way to teach is with experiential workshops:

Learn by Doing > Learn by Listening

In my workshops founders interview customers, A/B test their marketing strategies, launch products, optimizing their pricing, perform usability tests, etc. They learn Lean, by doing Lean:

Of course, every culture and every community is different, so I take that into account whenever I teach. That has made these workshops successful around the world…

How can i help?

I love helping startup communities and founders.
If I can ever be of service, please don’t hesitate to reach out:
[email protected]