Customer Interview Script Generator
Customer interviewing
April 21, 2015

What Should you Ask?

This interview script generator will get you started, including…

  • A well-tested 5-question interview script, customized for your interviews.
  • Hints about what to listen for during your interviews.
  • 6 bonus questions you can ask to fill in any blanks.

Here’s an example:

Custom Interview Script: Page 1Custom Interview Script: Page 2Custom Interview Script: Page 3

Use this template…

  • As a starting point. Add & edit questions as necessary.
  • As a place to store the notes from your interviews.
  • To share with your teammates so you’re all asking the same questions.

Let’s Create your Script

Fill out each of the fields below then click Generate Script.

Interview Script Generator

Choose interview type
Customer "Role"
Hypothesized Problem
Problem "Context"

How to Use this Script

For more information on conducting interviews, check out my blog post, which also includes the video lesson below.


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John Braman

Hi Justin, for the B2B Interview Script. what may be some of the gotchas with changing #4. What to watch for

Your script suggests:
4. When was the last time you tried to solve that problem?
With the follow up of:
Have they tried a solution in last 12 months? If not, start over asking about a different challenge?

My question for you is: If this wasn’t a recent problem, Would it make sense at this point to ask, was there a recent hard problem that kept them from having a good day? (having success?). A problem that required some effort to resolve?, Then, start over again, iterating through about that recently encountered problem?

Thank you for publishing one of the best websites I’ve found on this topic!

John Braman

Hi Justin,
Please, tell me a story about a challenge you had trying to find a meeting space for a recent workshop?
What’s the hardest thing about finding locations for offering your workshops?
Why was that hard?

Absolutely want to honor your efforts and buy your framework !!!
Please reply with a link to your workshop calendar, any upcoming in summer/fall 2018?
Do you do one-on-one coaching?
Or do you have on-line workshops via skype or similar?
thank you.

Thiago Villa

What do I do if I only have three users to interview? All the other are too far (need to be done over phone or Skype).

Thiago Villa

Ha! Is it really? Thanks for answering man. I thought I’d lose a whole dimension on not interviewing face to face (like body language, subtle facial expressions, emotions bla bla bla). But then again, I either cross the country (in Brazil) or Skype through. Any tips or mistakes to avoid when Skype-interviewing?


Very nice and easy to use guide! Are there any plans to do customerdevlabs in German? Did you ever get requests for this?

Alexandre Tunnermann

Hi Justin,

The hypothesised problem is “providing alternative design furniture at a resonable price”. First it was and it still is a bit hard to fit the segment into a role – I don´t think they´ll call themselves furniture buyers.

Is it ok/does it give an useful anwer the question “What is the hardest part about buying furniture?” (I found it easier using the “BUYING or DOING” instead of “BEING”.

Isabel Osawaru

Hi Justin… First of all I would like to commend you on this awesome video and also the fact that you take time to reply the comments. However, I am having a real big challenge preparing the questions. What I am trying to do is to develop partnerships between my organisation and another company and most of the time , the companies just ignore the proposals I drop in their office. So this time I really want to give them an offer they can’t say no to and I think the best way is knowing what they want. I would really love if you respond. Thanks

Caique Severo

Hi, Justin. Thank you very much for this tool. It is very well done and very helpful. I am trying to use it to understand my customer but I have a couple of doubts on how to manage the following situation:

I am starting with very broad questions like “What’s the biggest challenge you are facing as a coach?”. People answer with issues that are not related at all with my solution.

Should I keep asking the next questions on the script (“When was the last time you tried to solve that problem?”) to explore it deeper or should I move to iteration #2 so that I can narrow on the problem context I am trying to understand?

I understand that if the problem I have hypothesized is not top of mind maybe I don’t have a problem important enough for customers to care. But sometimes people need more context to put things in perspective.

For instance for the first question above, I usually get “I need more clients”. That’s obviously more important than the context I am trying to explore. Detailing that feels like a waste of time.


Nikhil Malhotra

Very cool ..Thank you for a wonderful tool


Thank you so much for such an helpful article. Brilliant


Checking this out. Pretty nice.

But I don’t fully understand how you are expecting us to use the “Interation #n” under each question, though?

Thiago Villa

This small details is sooo HUGE! thanks for adding that
