Customer Interview Script Generator – ExEC
July 18, 2018
You're ready to interview customers, but you want some help figuring out...

What Should you Ask?

This interview script generator will get you started, including...
  • A well-tested 5-question interview script, customized for your interviews.
  • Hints about what to listen for during your interviews.
  • 6 bonus questions you can ask to fill in any blanks.

Here’s an example:


Custom Interview Script: Page 1Custom Interview Script: Page 2Custom Interview Script: Page 3


Use this template…

  • As a starting point. Add & edit questions as necessary.
  • As a place to store the notes from your interviews.
  • To share with your teammates so you’re all asking the same questions.

Let’s Create your Script

Fill out each of the fields below then click Generate Script.

Interview Script Generator

How to Use this Script

For more information on conducting interviews, check out my blog post, which also includes the video lesson below.



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