Coming to your City
December 13, 2013

I love helping emerging startups, and startup communities, no matter where they are in the world. Whether its Serbia, Singapore, San Juan or San Francisco I love helping founders…

Lean by Doing

Please get in touch if we can help you bring experiential learning to your startup community:

What is “Lean by Doing?” Watch the video above.

Immersive Workshops

Hands-On Customers Development: How to Find, Talk to, and Solve your Customers’ Problems

    – Practical tips for finding, interviewing, and selling to customers.
    – Attendees will leave having practiced:
        + Interviewing actual customers – they’ll build their interview script and get practice interviewing real customers
    – Entrepreneurs really enjoy the hands on nature of this workshop
    – Extremely practical and dramatically increase
    – Approx. 3 – 4 hours
    – Ideal for 10 – 100 people

The Science of Pricing

    + Higher prices generate higher conversions…and we’ll got the data to prove it!
    + This workshop is a tangible introduction to Lean Startup experimentation via A/B testing, and how doing so can lead to non-intuitive findings (and more sustainable business models)
    + Approx 3-4 hours
    + Audience: 20 – 50

Lean Startup Laboratory

    + Learn Lean Startup by doing it, end-to-end
    + Launch a product in 90 minutes
    + Interview customers in-person and via Mechanical Turk – Did you launch the right thing?
    + Use their input to split test the original launch page
    + Drive traffic and make real sales, with real user’s credit card info
    + Approx. 8 hours
    + Audience: 20 – 100

Experiential Talks

What is Lean Startup? It’s “Business Engineering”

        + Lots of audience participation
        + Why the Business Model Canvas is great
        + Demonstrate how to interview a customer (on a real customer from mTurk)
        + Introduce concierge testing
        + How to use Lean to test price points, domain names, etc.
        + 40 – 60 minutes
        + Ideal for 20 – 500 people

How to Get Startup Press…and When to Get it

   + Founders love, love, love this one
   + How do you get press when you’ve got no PR experience?
   + How do you ensure that press isn’t wasted on an un-optimized product?
   + Blog post:
   + 30 minutes
   + Ideal for 20 – 500 people

How minimal can we make an MVP?

   + Minimal Viable Product (MVP) means a lot of different things to a lot of different people
   + Thinking about MVP as a way to test a hypothesis, makes building a tech product much, much easier
   + Slides
   + 30 minutes
   + Ideal for 20 – 500 people

Reaching the US Market – Step 1: Talk to the US Market

   + How to get US consumers to call, without leaving your house
   + Inspiring for anyone outside the US who wants to expand there
   + Based on
   + 30 minutes
   + Ideal for 20 – 500 people

The Most Dangerous Person in the Room

  + Huge confidence and “hacker” mentality builder
  + Also an overview of a dozen different revenue models
  + How to “hack” and “test” your way to finding the right one
   + 30 minutes
   + Ideal for 20 – 500 people

How can We Help You?

We’d love to help your community or company Learn Lean Startup by Doing Lean Startup. Please feel free to email us anytime, or schedule a call right now!

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