Are you struggling to apply Lean Startup?
December 12, 2016

You’ve found your home…

Justin WilcoxI’m Justin Wilcox and I’m the founder of successful companies in the healthcare and mobile spaces and author of The FOCUS Framework.  If you want to create a company using the Lean Startup approach but don’t know where to start, this page is for you.

My belief and interest in Lean Startup came after my own healthcare company initially failed. Once I learnt how to focus on my customer’s problems and validate my assumptions using Customer Development and Lean Startup Principles I found my success.

Building a successful company is hard.

I am teaching people just like you how to practice Lean Startup to build your own company because I believe this is the best way for you to succeed.  I have created a workbook series to show you how you can apply Lean Startup Principles to guide you through the process.Picture12

Before you go I’d like to invite you to subscribe to Customer Dev Labs now.  You have arrived on this page because you were looking for help on how to apply Lean Startup and Customer Development.  Take action and subscribe below.  You can expect to receive an email mini-course that organises some of my best advice including the following topics:

  1. How to get your customer interviews done the right way
  2. Building your MVP
  3. Discovering and testing your riskiest assumptions

Plus updates on new content and help for your Lean Startup journey.