How to find Product-Market fit?
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I recently started 1-on-1 mentoring sessions where one of the most popular questions has been: “How do I ask B2B customers for an interview?” Approaching a busy professional and asking for their time, so I could eventually sell them something, was a mystery to me when I started customer development. After some trial and error though,

Interviewing Customers is a Special Kind of Torture Talk to a stranger. Fun. That stranger is immensely busy…and hates being sold things. Getting better. That stranger will likely destroy your vision for a company. Ready to get started?! When I started interviewing customers, the only thing I cared less about than talking about other people’s problems,
Thanks for everyone who attended our Press Hacking Hangout yesterday. It was a privilege to work with Adam and Nathan to produce it, and a ton of fun to take your questions live. If you’re new to “Press Hacking” this is the post that started it all Here’s the recording, including bookmarks for each of
Our MTurk + Google News = Press post got quite a bit of attention – all supportive, some supportively critical. Adam Drici has been the most supportive critic and as a journalist, he took us to task. [Update] Adam and I recently did a Google Hangout hashing out our thoughts on getting press. Watch it here: What

We know we need to “get out of the building”, but where do we go? From personal experience, finding customers who are willing to be interviewed is daunting. Turns out, that’s one of my favorite things about interviewing customers! The harder customers are to interview, the harder they’ll be to monetize The process of finding