How to find Product-Market fit?
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Up Global (formerly Startup Weekend) recently asked for a hand retooling content for their Startup Weekend NEXT program. Honored to help an org doing such great work, I jumped at the chance and together we shot a series videos we fondly call, “Customer Discovery Hacks.” How to Get out of the Building Many entrepreneurs know it’s

How we got a dozen launch-day write ups with a little JavaScript, Mechanical Turk, and the Google News API. Code included. Warning: you only launch once. I don’t recommend generating press until you’ve validated your customer segment(s), their pain(s), and much of your solution. Here’s why: That said, lets hack some press… Getting press is daunting for

One of the challenges of interviewing customers, is analyzing the results. I’m typically left with a pile of terse notes, and a handful of questions: What were the most common pains? If my assumption was invalidated, what do I do next? Were there any major themes that I missed? My solution? Post-It Notes. Video walk-through below. Example

tl;dr Using clever survey questions to quickly test the memorability, spellability and emotional response of potential domain names. Glad we did – almost picked a lousy one. Problem: Domain Squatters I’ve found what should be the joyous process of naming a company, quickly devolves into in argument over which of the abysmal choices of available